Filming Promotional Videos: DIY or Hire Professionals?

When it comes to promoting your business, video content is an incredibly powerful tool.

It captures attention, engages audiences, and can lead to increased sales. So when it comes to getting your video content filmed, edited and ready to be delivered; should you do it yourself or hire professionals to do it for you? In this blog post we’ll explain costs, process, scope, and explore the advantages and disadvantages of each approach, in order to help you decide which one suits your business needs best.


When you decide to film your promotional videos yourself, it gives you the freedom to express your brand's personality and tell your story in a unique way. However, it's essential to be well-prepared and ensure you have the right equipment and resources for a successful production.


a. Planning: Begin by defining your video's objectives, target audience, and key message. Create a storyboard or shot list to outline the visual elements you want to include in the video.

b. Pre-Production: Gather your equipment, which typically includes a camera (a high-resolution smartphone or DSLR), tripod, microphone, and basic lighting setup. You might also need props, actors, or spokespersons for the video.

c. Production: Start filming according to your storyboard or shot list. Pay attention to lighting, sound quality, and framing to maintain a professional appearance.

d. Post-Production: Transfer your footage to a computer and use video editing software to piece together your video clips. Edit for clarity, remove any mistakes, add graphics or text, and include background music or voiceovers.

As a DIY approach, the scope of work is entirely in your hands. You handle every aspect, from conceptualization to execution, and the overall process can be more flexible and adaptive to changes.

The equipment needed for DIY videos can be relatively basic and inexpensive. You can start with a high-resolution smartphone, a decent tripod, and a microphone for better audio quality. Depending on your existing resources, the cost can be minimal or up to a few hundred dollars for better equipment.

Overall Cost: Low to Moderate, depending on the quality of equipment you choose to invest in and any additional costs for props or actors.


a. Cost-Effective: Creating videos in-house can save you money, especially if you have access to basic equipment and skills.

b. Quick Turnaround: You can shoot and edit videos on your schedule, allowing for faster production.

c. Authenticity: DIY videos can feel more authentic and relatable to your audience, enhancing trust in your brand.


a. Quality Concerns: DIY videos may lack the polished look and professional feel that comes with expertise.

b. Limited Expertise: Without a dedicated team, you may struggle to execute complex video concepts effectively.

c. Time-Consuming: Filming and editing can be time-consuming, taking you away from core business activities.

Example: A small local bakery could create a charming DIY video showcasing their baking process, daily routines, and special treats. The authentic touch could appeal to their community, fostering a sense of connection.

Ideal Businesses: Small businesses with limited budgets or businesses aiming for a more intimate, relatable appeal.

lighting setup for taylor rooks michael porter jr interview


Hiring a professional video production agency provides you with a team of experts who bring creative expertise, technical skill, and modern equipment to deliver exceptional results.


a. Consultation: The agency will first meet with you to understand your business, marketing goals, target audience, and key message. This consultation helps them conceptualize a video strategy tailored to your brand.

b. Pre-Production: The agency will handle scriptwriting, storyboarding, and planning the logistics of the shoot. They will organize the necessary equipment, locations, and talents.

c. Production: The shoot is handled by a team of professionals using high-quality cameras, lighting, sound equipment, and specialized tools to capture stunning visuals and audio.

d. Post-Production: Skilled editors take the recorded footage and transform it into a polished video masterpiece. They add graphics, effects, animations, and professional audio to enhance the overall quality.

Scope of Work:

When you hire professionals, the scope of work is comprehensive and managed by the agency. They take care of everything, from initial ideation to the final delivery of the video, ensuring a streamlined and efficient process.

Professional video production agencies are equipped with top-of-the-line cameras, lighting, sound gear, and editing software. The cost of hiring an agency varies depending on the complexity of the project, duration of the shoot, and the expertise of the team.

Overall Cost: Moderate to High, depending on the scale and complexity of the video project. Costs may range from a few thousand dollars to tens of thousands, but the investment can lead to significant returns in terms of quality and impact.

Choosing between filming promotional videos yourself or hiring professionals depends on your budget, desired production quality, and the resources available.

Evaluating your specific needs and goals will guide you towards the most effective approach for promoting your products or services through video content.


a. High-Quality Production: Professionals bring expertise, advanced equipment, and artistic vision to elevate your video content.

b. Creative Edge: Video production agencies like On3TrackMind can infuse creativity into your videos, making them stand out.

c. Time and Resource Savings: Leaving it to professionals allows you to focus on your core business while ensuring top-notch results.


a. Higher Cost: Hiring professionals comes at a higher price point, but the investment can lead to a significant return.

b. Longer Lead Time: Collaborating with an agency may require additional time for planning and coordination.

c. Potential Misalignment: If not chosen carefully, an agency might not fully understand your brand's unique identity.

Example: A luxury resort seeking to attract high-end travelers could hire a professional agency to create a visually stunning video that showcases their amenities, highlighting the exclusive experience they offer.

Ideal Businesses: Medium to large-sized businesses with specific marketing goals, seeking a polished and captivating video to represent their brand.

Choosing between filming promotional videos yourself or hiring professionals is a critical decision for any business.

DIY videos offer cost-saving and authenticity, while professional videos provide high-quality, creative edge, and efficiency. Ultimately, the choice depends on your budget, time constraints, and desired level of production value.

For businesses in Las Vegas looking to make an impact through video marketing, it’s wise to choose a local production house that understands the ins and outs of the city.

Remember, whether you choose to film in-house or hire professionals, compelling video content is an investment that can pay off with increased brand visibility, engagement, and, ultimately, higher sales.



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